Über mich

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Mittwoch, 2. November 2011

Something thick

Vielleicht schaffe ich es, ein richtiges Thema für den heutigen Post zu finden.
Nein, nicht wirklich. Mir fällt nicht ein.
Aber dafür auch mal jetzt einen Post in Englisch.

Hey guys, jeah i'm sure that is a badly school- english. But okay, for this text, I hope.
In the Evening I have a riding lesson again, but my best friend Flawia isn't there.
But Luisa and Hannah are there.
Oh i hope that will be great.
Yesterday, my grandma, my aunt and my uncel was here. I saw my aunt and my uncel not realy long because they went to the church. My grandma stay here so she was there for the tee- cake time.
And in the night or in the late Evening we played the Game „Monopoly“. It was really funny.
A prestso, Anna

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